Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Never Never Never Give-Up / Self-Image

Accept yourself as you are. Do not keeping in mind that 'I am not able to reach that level' Never turn to the negative side of life to see what's there or else there will be greater chances of not succeeding. Although  ''Take Calculated Risks. That is quite different from being rash'' - George S. Patton.

There is a book I read written by Pepe Minambo that said Think highly of yourself because the world takes you at your own estimate and dont forget you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

There was this boy who wanted to be a lawyer but had no education.
Worked as a store clerk and lost his job.
Ran for State Legislature and lost.
Went into business but failed and ended up having debts.
Tried getting the post of speaker in his state legislature and failed.
Defeated twice in running for congress but finally succeeded but for a term.
Rejected as Land Officer.
Lost for Vice Presidency.
And finally, at the age of 51, Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States of America.

I would leave you all with my quote that goes ''Ignore the people who are tripping you down and stand up with strong confidence in order to succeed'' - Hesham Hassan

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