Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This new generation is just weird, awful, can't get the right word. I don't know what's going to happen on the following generation. How many of you feel s••t when your mum starts callin out your name?? Then you should have counted how many times you said "ma ma" when you were a little kid. When you used to throw toys and your mom giving you back and you throwing it again for several times. Did your mom give up? NO

You grow up, you start going out coming back home late. Your mom wondering where you are, she gets really worried. She'll call you but you won't pick up cause your with your friends and if you do you'll try end the conversation as quickly as possible.

Another few years, you move move out living with your spouse, get kids. When you look back at your priorities you'll notice your mum us below in the list. May I ask why when she spent more than half of her life to raise you well or else you wouldn't have been with that spouse?

"Get your priorities right"


  1. sooo true! you never know how good who had it till...when you are no longer with her! I learned the hard way!

  2. yh, i can see u learned the hardway wen i saw one of your posts sayin u pay ur own bills n stuff..btw, couple of ppl who read my post checks ur ur posts too..they love em
