Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Difference between INTEREST and COMMITMENT

I'm pretty sure you've heard people saying things like ''I would like to own a Rolce Royce'', ''I would like to innovate something''. Well, that is interest and barely a commitment, because those kind of people are not going to do anything about it but be spitting excuses and that is resulted from their Limiting Mind which I am going to talk about in the next post.
Commitment is binding yourself to that interest that even if inflation rises, stock markets crash, your lover leaves you, you will still not lose interest and simply come up with a better strategy to success.

 ''Commitment is the mother of Success'' - Hesham Hassan

Monday, February 14, 2011

Be Yourself

  Funny how you'll ask a kid today what he/she would like to be when they grow up and they say like their parents.
They grow up, same question is asked and they'd tell you like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook). These people ended up being great because they didn't wish to be like other celebrities.
One of my favorite authors Pepe Minambo said ''Where there is imitation, people suffer from limitation. This is because imitation is a relative of limitation'' 
Its like you were given an empty book to write your life in. So as we are here I wouldn't like your book being filled with ''he/she'' I'd like you to fill it with ''I''

I just want to put dew into people's lives. Before you trying to be like someone, ask yourself Who's trying to be like me? 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day

How many of us know what Valentine's Day is?
Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day or Festival of Love is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions.
What do we mean by intimate companions?
Intimate companions is a particularly close interpersonal relationship. Intimate relationship includes friendships, dating relationships, spiritual relationship.

I do not know much to why Valentines Day is haram BUT most of us know Islam dictates strict rules and one of them is forbidding all forms of dating and isolating oneself with a member of opposite sex, as well as indiscriminate mingling and mixing.

However, if he or she is seriously considering  marrying someone, such a thing itself is not considered haram. Infact, if I'm not wrong Islam encourages us to marry a person for whom we have special feelings and affinity. Thus, Islam recommends that potential marriage partners should see one another before proposing marriage. Explaining the reasoning for such a recommendation, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: ''That would enhance/foster the bonding''

Would appreciate someone telling me why it is Haram

Monday, February 7, 2011


Most of us compliment on our artist for the great songs. But we all lack of appreciation, then most of us end up saying ''people dont appreciateus for what we do for them''.

Do you know what an artist went through to get a good single? Writing the lyrics, producer creating the beats, days on the studio recording, money spent on videos. And to us, it is as easy as saying ''im switching on my bluetooth, send me the song'' or  I'll give you my flashdisk and you copy for me the good songs''.

Fine we all know that this piracy will never end but if we can pirate this songs to others why cant we promote our artist by attending concerts and making people abroad listen to their songs.
I know first thing that would come up in your mind is the language.
What about Redsan, Wyre, or even Nameless. Language doesnt even matter, how comes most of us listen to Naija songs even when you dont understand some them.
And to those who dont care, think about the songs that is played in clubs, if they didnt release those singles would you be enjoying??
So please guys, appreciate our artist for their hardwork in launching these singles..Na story ya piracy, kataa hio!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Once upon a time, I got to know this girl through some event. She seemed to be a great girl, conversation flowing well. The following day through facebook, conversation good, but not after the sad moment began when she told me her mum past away longtime ago. Then something comes up to my mind, she's not the type of girl who hangs out with friends much this shows that the people she's staying with are strict and that her mum past away - lonely girl. So why shouldnt Hesham be her close friend, actually i ended being more than a friend. A weeks passes by, I meet a friend of her's and I ask when the girl's mum past away. Guess what I was told?? She's living with her, that's her real mum. So should I just ignore the girl? Should I confirm with her? Well, I asked her and she busted in tears so I just cut off the topic but that didnt make me believe her mum really past away. She's still a friend of mine, meet her couple of times. The point here is:

       ''Dont believe, get the facts yourself'' - Aburras

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This new generation is just weird, awful, can't get the right word. I don't know what's going to happen on the following generation. How many of you feel s••t when your mum starts callin out your name?? Then you should have counted how many times you said "ma ma" when you were a little kid. When you used to throw toys and your mom giving you back and you throwing it again for several times. Did your mom give up? NO

You grow up, you start going out coming back home late. Your mom wondering where you are, she gets really worried. She'll call you but you won't pick up cause your with your friends and if you do you'll try end the conversation as quickly as possible.

Another few years, you move move out living with your spouse, get kids. When you look back at your priorities you'll notice your mum us below in the list. May I ask why when she spent more than half of her life to raise you well or else you wouldn't have been with that spouse?

"Get your priorities right"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Back in Nairobi, on my way to the bus stop there was this massive guy who runs a kiosk that sells shoes. Normally, when I'd pass there I would chitchat with him for few minutes. Well, the chitchat weren't a normal weather talk you'd have wit a stranger. This guy would come up with complex topics delivering his few words with weight and full of quotes too.

If you look on the other side, some people have negative perception about reggae artist just because they smoke weed. Isn't smoking and drinking as harmful as weed?? Back to the point, how many of you have listened to reggae?don't you think it talks about real life than any other genre?
My bullet here is never underestimate a person.

"We should look to the mind and not to the outward appearance"

Friday, January 28, 2011

Second Part of the post titled 'The Three Categories of The Heart'

From my previous post titled 'The Three Categories of The Heart'. I have received several comments or reply from the question asked at the end of the post. I guess most of the people categorized themselves as from the third category.

The third category stated "people who make a difference in people's lives". Did you ask yourself how you made a difference? Will that difference make the people appreciate you for what you have done for them in the next ten years?

Some of you would think "Well, facebook is a social utility. Tomorrow someone else would add that person and save him/her from a rash that is even worse than the one you did. So if social utility such as facebook is what you had in mind then you better have a no sign(like the no smoking sign) on it.

People who fall in this category are very few and are mostly known by the public.
I do care about others but I am still aiming at "making a difference" in people's lives. I have dropped myself but I still don't know whether I'd land on the Third Category.

Due to heavy rainfall, I have lost my internet connection so I'm using my Blackberry to upload the posts. It is why I am not able to use special effects on my posts, but that will not stop me from writing.
"Even if you are down to one string, music can still come out of you" - Nicole Paganini

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Never Never Never Give-Up / Self-Image

Accept yourself as you are. Do not keeping in mind that 'I am not able to reach that level' Never turn to the negative side of life to see what's there or else there will be greater chances of not succeeding. Although  ''Take Calculated Risks. That is quite different from being rash'' - George S. Patton.

There is a book I read written by Pepe Minambo that said Think highly of yourself because the world takes you at your own estimate and dont forget you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

There was this boy who wanted to be a lawyer but had no education.
Worked as a store clerk and lost his job.
Ran for State Legislature and lost.
Went into business but failed and ended up having debts.
Tried getting the post of speaker in his state legislature and failed.
Defeated twice in running for congress but finally succeeded but for a term.
Rejected as Land Officer.
Lost for Vice Presidency.
And finally, at the age of 51, Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States of America.

I would leave you all with my quote that goes ''Ignore the people who are tripping you down and stand up with strong confidence in order to succeed'' - Hesham Hassan

The Three Categories of Hearts

The first category are people with petty hearts. ''People with petty hearts generally have pretty minds but their pettiness is too pretty in a way that their pettiness becomes too petty to be noticed''.
These are the people who have great ideas on their palms but hold them tight keeping it to themselves.

Well, the second category of people are those with the good hearts. These are the people who care most for their family, relatives and close friends. They believe that anyone out of their circle is non of their business. This type of people are not felt by the public.

The third category of people are those with the great hearts, great ideas ready to let them out. They try best to take care of their family and friends but as well as the general public. They are the same people who try to make a difference in other people's lives.

Which category do you fall in??:)